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‘Girls have less food to eat’

‘Girls have less food to eat’

Rumbek, South Sudan – “There are times when I feel so hungry that I think going to school would be a waste,” says 15-year-old Martha*, as she packs her maths textbook into her school bag when the bell sounds for recess. “Some days I stay at home,” she admits.

On a normal day, her primary school in Rumbek in South Sudan’s Lakes State welcomes thousands of children. The concrete classrooms are usually packed with pupils in matching brown and bright purple uniforms.

However, lately, fewer children have been arriving each day. Many, especially girls, are staying at home instead as the country struggles to cope with rising hunger levels. Some are urged to help as their parents go out in search of food, while others eat less so the men and boys in the family get more of what little there is.
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